Who We Are
We build radios and manage multi-modal networks that deliver real-time cloud compute to the edge. We offer the ability to aggregate 4G, 5G, wireless and MESH networks that interoperate with thousands of technologies, enabling municipalities to connect and protect the communities we serve.
Private Network
Mobile Edge Compute
Offline Cloud Direct Connect
Wi-Fiber Network and Edge-Cloud
Wi-Fiber's Software defined radios harness and extend the power of T-Mobile's nationwide 5G network and AWS cloud; to the far edge; delivering blended network edge-compute capabilities along with redundant offline direct-cloud connectivity.
Wi-Fiber's Network and Compute Service inter-operates 1,000's of disparate technologies in real-time to achieve layered and cooperative outcomes. Deployed by public safety teams across the country, our sensor aggregation and inter-operability platform delivers. Improved detection, prevention, alerting and response times.